

Is 18grams of sugar a lot in food?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Carbohydrates, which includes sugar should make up about 45% of your diet. (This would be normal and moderate.) If you eat 2000 calories a day that means 225g of carbohydrates total, if you eat 2500 calories a day that means 281g of total carbohydrates. That is actually I think smaller than the current standard that you see on most food labels which when I calculate it come up with 314g as the recommended total carb. What I gave you before though is a ratio of carb-fat-protein that is moderate and (I think) healthy which would give 45% carb, 30% protein, and 25% fats. So one 2000 cal/day that is 225g carb/150g protein/55g fat on 2500cal/day that is 281g carb/187protein/69g fat. There is no actual recomendation for sugar perse besides minimize. In my opinion however, most is really the larger ratios because all carbohydrates have 4cal/gram, all protein has 4cal/gram and all fats have 9cal/gram.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Well, this depends on the weight of the food altogether. It is easier to compare whether or not the sugar level in food is high when it is expressed as a percentage of the total weight.

For example, if the item of food weighed 250g, then 18g of sugar would be approxamately 7% of the food. Compared to many other foods which contain higher levels of sugar per 100g, this does not seem to be a great amount.

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13y ago

Definitely not! In some yogurts they consider "healthy" there are 30 or more grams. Of course it depends on the serving size but unless the serving size is less than 5 grams, that's certainly not a lot of sugar! :)

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14y ago

Yeah it is alot. If its that many. If you know how much oz is in it youll know.

Like 16 oz is a pound. So check to oz to see

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12y ago

40 g in a day

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