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iron content of leafy vegetables introduction

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Q: Iron content of leafy vegetables introduction?
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Why do you eat green leafy vegetables?

so you could get iron

What meals have iron and vitimin c in?

all leafy vegetables have iron and vitamin c

What is in red meats green leafy vegetables and legumes?

Iron! If you are a vegetarian, eat vegetables and legumes as a replacement.

What foods are iron fortified?

All green leafy vegetables,jaggary,rice,are rich sources of iron

What vitamins do green vegetables have that others don't?

green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin A, C, K, iron and calcium.

What are the food contains iron to increase the hemoglobin blood counts?

Most of the green leafy vegetable are rich with iron content.

What is good food for low hemoglobin?

Iron rich foods such asDark, leafy greens (spinach, collards)Dried fruit (prunes, raisins)Iron-enriched cereals and grains (check the labels)Beans, lentils, chick peas and soybeansArtichokes

What are the leafy vegetables good for health?

The leafy dark ones. The key is the color in them. The darker the color, the greater the amount of vitamins and iron. A good example is Kale and chard.

Can bearded dragons eat brocili?

Yes they can - it's an excellent source of iron (as are all green leafy vegetables)

What are the iron molecules in your body created by?

They are not formed in the body. Iron is a mineral and is also an element. It occurs in nature and we get iron into our bodies by ingestion. Usually the best sources for iron are green leafy vegetables, legumes, meats, and multivitamins with minerals.

Which fruits and leafy vegetables increase hemoglobin?

Dried fruitsprunesraisinsapricotsLegumessoybeansdried beans and peaskidney beansSeedsalmondsBrazil nutsVegetablesbroccolispinachkalecollardsasparagusdandelion greensWhole grainswheatmilletoatsbrown riceOtherblackstrap molassesEating foods high in Vitamin C helps absorb iron.Dark green leafy vegetables.

Which vegan foods are high in iron?

Some foods that are high in iron include: Red meat, Egg yolks, Dark/leafy greens (spinach, collards), Dried fruit (prunes, raisins), Iron-enriched cereals and grains, Mollusks (oysters, clams, scallops), Turkey or chicken giblets, Beans, lentils, chick peas and soybeans, Liver, and Artichokes.