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In terms of volume a large grade A egg is generaly50 mil's.

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Q: In terms of volume and not weight how much of a cup does one large scrambled egg equal?
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The shape of the ships hull causes the ship to displace a greater volume of water then a solid piece of steel with the same mass. A ship displaces a volume of water equal in weight to the submerged portion of the ship. Hope this helps!

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One way to find the volume of a large irregular shape object is to use the displacement method. Submerge the object in a container of water and measure the volume of water displaced. This volume is equal to the volume of the irregular object.

How many ounces in a scrambled egg?

A large scrambled egg, cooked with non-stick cooking spray weighs 1.6 ounces.

What objects have large volume but small mass and weight?

Objects like balloons, styrofoam, cotton balls, and bubbles have large volume but small mass and weight. This is because their density is low, meaning they have very little mass compared to the amount of space they occupy.

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A large ship can float in water due to the principle of buoyancy. The weight of the water displaced by the ship is equal to the weight of the ship itself, allowing it to stay afloat. The shape of the ship's hull and the distribution of weight also play a role in helping it float.

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A very big pool, or a large tank.

What are some objects that have large volume but very small mass and weight?

Some examples of objects that have large volume but very small mass and weight include balloons filled with helium gas, foam materials, and large empty containers made of lightweight materials like plastic or aluminum. These objects displace a lot of space but have low density, resulting in low mass and weight.

Why should portion the dough?

You will need to portion dough if it too large to manage in one piece.

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Large cruise ships float in water because of a principle called buoyancy. The shape of the ship's hull displaces an amount of water that weighs more than the ship itself, causing it to float. This buoyant force counteracts the force of gravity, allowing the ship to remain afloat.