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Q: In a food chain a shark is considred as a autotroph consumer decomposer herbivore?
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Is a ox a decomposer?

no it is an herbivore. this means it is a consumer not a decomposer

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Is a musk ox decomposed?

no it is an herbivore. this means it is a consumer not a decomposer

What is algae producer herbivore carnivore omnivore decomposer?

At the bottom of any food chain is a producer and at the top is a consumer.

What trophic level would a herbivore occup?

An herbivore is a primary consumer.

Is a pigeon a producer consumer decomposer?

They are consumers

What is a secondary consumer in eco system?

A secondary consumer is any organism that consumes an organism that has consumed an autotroph. An autotroph is eaten by a primary consumer, which is eaten by a secondary consumer. Put more simply, a secondary (or any further level) consumer is a predator/ carnivore. A primary consumer would be an herbivore, and an autotroph (also known as primary producer) is any organism that creates it own energy (generally plants).

Is poison ivy a producer consumer or decomposer?

Poison ivy is a producer because it is a plant that undergoes photosynthesis to produce its own food. It is not a consumer, which would be an organism that obtains energy by consuming other organisms, or a decomposer, which breaks down and feeds on dead organic matter.

Is a sloth a consumer or producer or decomposer?

A sloth is a consumer because it eats something else.If it was a producer it would produce its own food from its body and eat that.If it was a decomposer it would most likely be dead and it would be matter or a material for the plants.

Is a deer a producer comsumer or a decomposer?

its a consumer....primary consumer

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Is a hawk a decomposer producer herbivore or comsumer?

its a consumer it doesn't photosynthesize and it doesn't decompose and it definitely doesn't eat plants