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Q: In Britain you tip your plate away from you when eating soup?
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Why do you tilt your bowl away from you when eating soup?

We tilt the soup bowl so that to collect soup in the spoon and being careful not to leak out soup on our apron as we eat. It is more convenient to tilt the soup bowl away rather than towards you so that it doesn't fall down

Where to place a soup spoon when only serving soup?

Put the soup bowl on a plate and then put the spoon on top of the right side of the plate. That's simple.

Will you get sick from eating one bite of bad turkey soup?

You could get sick from eating one bite of bad turkey soup. It depends on what made the soup bad and your susceptibility to that microorganism and/or the toxin it formed. When in doubt about the safety of a food, do not taste it. Throw it away!

How do you arrange soup bowls on a table?

When setting the table for a meal in which soup is the first course, the soup bowls are placed on top of the dinner plate. (Or on top of the salad plate, which is already on top of the dinner plate if salad is to follow the soup.)

Where does soup go on the healthy eating pyramid?

depends on the soup

What is the name of plate that goes under a soup bowl?

It is used for putting soup.

Is a spoon a factor?

It is if you are eating soup

Is there a problem drinking milk while eating soup?

It is okay to drink milk while eating soup. There is no nutritional disadvantage in taking soup while still having a glass of milk.

When you stirred the soup aguido ran away answer this riddle?

when i strirred the soup aguido ran away

What is the function of dinner plate?

It is used for your main entree and sides, like the small plate is the appetizer plate, the bowl is soup or sometimes salad, there is a salad fork and a dinner fork, a soup apron and a tea spoon

Are you eating soup right at this moment?

No, no I'm not. But soup sounds good. I think I'll have it for lunch.

What is soup nuttin from that so raven means?

it means the raven is eating soup so nutting something on tv.