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Q: If your hamster bites you when you put your hand in her cage and burries does that mean she's pregnant?
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How can you get your hamster to get pregnant?

you put it in the same cage with a male hamster

How do you get a hamster out out of its cage?

you open the door of the cage and cup your hands and try to pick him up from underneath if he/she bites you use gloves or a towel

Your hamster had blood in her cage does it mean shes pregnant?

not necessarily, he or she could have a injury. check your hamster for cuts before believing its pregnant.

What will happen if the boy hamster is not taken out of the cage when the girl hamster is pregnant?

They will probably fight. However, a dwarf hamster male can stay in the cage with the female. He can help raise the babies.

What will your hamster do when she is pregnant?

your female hamster will get aggressive, start hoarding food , and making a circular nest in the corner of your cage.

Will a hamster want to come out of her cage if shes pregnant?

It's not likely she will want to be touched or handled if she is pregnant.

What should you do with your pregnant hamster while there are another male and female in the cage?

The hamster, having more mass than a regular hamster, is ripe for the harvest. Eat it.

Can you have a another female hamster with a pregnant hamster in the same cage?

no i would move them out the hamsters could get in a fight or eat the others babies

How not to scare your hamster?

When first getting a hamster, you should give it a couple of days to adjust. You can start to get to know them by laying your hand in the cage with a treat on it. Your hamster will probably sniff your hand, and then grab the treat. If your hamster bites your hand, pull your hand out of the cage. Keep trying this for a couple of days and your hamster will begin to feel more comfortable around you!

I took my female hamster into school and a kid put it in a male hamsters cage they were in there for about 15 minutes i was wondering if that was long enough to get the female pregnant?

yes, the hamster could be pregnant.

Can a cage be cozy for a hamster?

It depends on how the cage is decorized. Boys would love a cage that he can play around with. Girls would like something to have babies if she is pregnant.

What can you do for a pregnant hamster when she is giving birth?

Remove the male hamster from the cage and put it in another one. Just make sure you give enough nutrients to the female hamster.