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The color of the bean pods may be dependent upon the bean variety and the growing conditions. Unless you have a reason to think otherwise, the beans are likely still good to eat.

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Q: If your freshly picked green beans have a light color to are they still good?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of greenly?

With a green color; newly; freshly, immaturely., Of a green color.

Are beans actually green?

The beans in green beans are usually white or a brownish color. The pod, or hull is green.

How do you pick green beans?

You have to put cotton wool in a cup or bowl, then put some green beans on the cotton wool. And ,lastly water it everyday. Hope I helped! :)

Why would the liquid on fresh cooked green beans be brown?

Fresh cooked green bean liquid has a brown color because of the juices of the beans reacting with heat. If you don't want as much brown color, it's better to blanch the green beans before further cooking.

Why color of vegetables is green?

peas, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts

Are green beans spoiled if the bean inside turns blue or purple in color?


How long do green beans grow?

About 3-6 months. ** Green beans are like most green vegetables. They will keep growing until they are picked or die. The green bean has more flavor and is more tender if picked at about 3 to 5 inches long. Any longer and the green bean can get rather stringy and bitter. But you can let them grow so the inside bean is as big as a lima bean. The beans thpugh on the inside are a purplish colo if you plant the blue lake green beans.

What color is a cocoa bean?

Cocoa beans are typically a dark brown color, often with a reddish or purplish tinge. The color can vary depending on the variety and level of fermentation of the beans.

What are corona beans?

Corona Beans (Spagna Bianca) are climbing runner pole beans. They may be picked very young as green beans, or picked mature and dried into huge Italian Butter Beans. Do NOT confuse this with Corona d'Oro, which is a French Yellow Pencil Bean. Corona Spagna Beans might also be sold as White Runner, or White Gigande. The true Latin name is Favioli Rampicanti Corona Spagna

Why is Lime Green called that?

The color "lime green" gets its name from the citrus fruit called lime, which has a bright green color. The color was named after the fruit because it closely resembles the bright green shade of a lime.

Is a bean seedless or with seedS?

Bean is a common name for large plant seeds of several genera of the family Fabaceae (alternately Leguminosae) used for human food or animal feed. The whole young pods of bean plants, if picked before the pods ripen and dry, are very tender and may be eaten cooked or raw. Thus the term "green beans" means "green" in the sense of unripe (many are in fact not green in color). In some cases the beans inside the pods of green beans are too small to comprise a significant part of the cooked fruit.

Why does the baseball team coyote have a green shirt?

The triple-A coyote's wear a green jersey because that's just the color they picked. Simple as that.