It is best to just take the hamster to the vet.
"Dust falls into your eye."
A red and swollen eye in your hamster could be due to an eye infection or injury. It's important to take your hamster to a veterinarian experienced with exotic pets for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Avoid trying to treat it at home as it could potentially worsen the condition.
you may get babies of either eye color, or a combo. they had a really cute hamster in the pet store last week that had one ruby eye and one black eye.
Any eye injury can be painful because nerves in the eye are damaged. An eye injury for an hamster can be painful. The injury may need professional medical attention depending on the degree of damage.
A shut eye in a hamster could be due to an eye infection, injury, or foreign object. It's best to take your hamster to a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Delay in seeking medical attention could result in complications.
If it is when they are stretching to squeeze through something, it is normal for their eyes to appear they are bulging a bit. This is just the skin on their face pulling back a bit. As long as they are doing it themselves, and you are not doing it to them, it shouldn't hurt them. If their eye is actually out, as in out of their head, they will be blind in that eye. There is a possibility of infection and even death.
Because, the hamster is probably ill. Take it to the vet at once!
No you will have to get a glass eye.
If your hamster isn't blinking, it could be a sign of an underlying eye problem or discomfort. You should consult a veterinarian to ensure your hamster's eye health and well-being.
The hamster will need eye drops. You need to take it to the vets.