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You would kill the fish by poluting the water if you added any kind of sauce to the water. The fish will survive a day or two without food until you can get some proper food for it/them.

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Q: If you run out of fish food is it safe to feed it hot sauce?
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it might be but i advise you to just get new food just to be safe

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Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.

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Commercial Goldfish food is cheap. Specialists have studied and millions of dollars have been spent designing and producing fish foods that are safe to use and suitable for feeding to fish. Why try to give your fish a hard time? Yes your goldfish will eat some human foods but most of it will foul the water and poison the fish. Be smart and use proper goldfish food. Your fish will appreciate it.

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preety much but it is best for you to get the right kind food just too be safe

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Can you feed your fish tilapia?

"Tilapia eat plants, love protein-rich duckweed (equal in protein to commercial fish feed) and also filter algae from the water using tiny combs in their gills. Combining duckweed and commercial fish feed is good, but tilapia grow ok on duckweed alone. As concerns about mercury contamination in fish increases, pond-raised tilapia are a safe toxin-free food because they do not build up environmental pollutants in their meat - unlike the wild carnivorous predator or scavenger fish species. Vegetarian tilapia with scales are kosher to eat according to Jewish dietary guidelines."