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how long will a fondant iced chocolate cake keep

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It maters what temperature you leave it at

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Q: If you ice a Sponge wedding cake with fondant icing how long will keep?
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What is better for covering a wedding cake fondant or icing?

Fondant is best for outdoor weddings.

Does using marzipan under fondant icing makes the cake too sweet and does fondant icong makes the cake sweet?

Marzipan under fondant icing makes the cake too sweet, because fondant icing makes the cake too sweet on their own. It is better to use a buttercream with less sugar.

What kind of wedding cake is best for an outdoor wedding?

Use rolled fondant instead of butter cream icing. It will be less likely to have issues in the heat.

Do you have to put icing under the fondant on a cake?

No. You do not have to put icing under the fondant on a cake. You can bake a cake and not put any icing on it and just put fondant on it if you wish. No law forces you to put icing on the cake. With that said, How do you plan to stop the icing at the edge of the fondant? Which will you apply first? Normally sugar in the the icing causes it to stick to the cake and also causes the fondant to stick to the icing. So if you have messy people eating your cakes and do not want the fondant to fall off the plates onto the rug as they walk around the living room at a party, it would be best to use icing as a glue.

Do you put fondant over regular cake?

No. Fondant is made for a cake meant for looks. Icing is made for a regular cake.

What do you apply before the fondant when icing a cake?

the frosting

What is a icing that goes over the other icing?

Fondant goes over icing that has been on a cake in the fridge.

What is the soft sugar paste used in cake icing?


What does a cake decorator do?

They decorate a cake. This could be anything from icing, carving, filling, or decorating with icing, fondant, designs, and so on.

What kind of cake is used to put fondant icing on?

Almost any cake can be iced using fondant, but some cakes work better than others. Firmer cakes (white, yellow, chocolate, vanilla, bundt, devil's food, etc.) work better with fondant than soft or delicate cakes (angelfood, for example).

How much does fondant icing cost?

I have no idea about the cost of fondant. However, you can make an at-home version of fondant by melting icing to a liquidey consistency or by applying icing as it is from the tub to a still-hot cake. This will cause the icing to melt, but as you layer it, it will cool and form an icing that is more consistent with fondant, than the thick spread that is usually on cake.

How can you stop a levelled sponge cake absorbing too much moisture from the butter cream and fondant icing?

One method is to spread fruit jam (or jelly for those from the USA) on the cake prior to icing(frosting). Traditional flavours used are apricot and raspberry. Jam is also used to help stiff icings like royal icing adhere to the cake.