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The cupcake may not rise properly.

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Q: If you forget to put in the eggs in the cupcake will it come out right?
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Related questions

What is the most important ingredient in a cupcake?

It's flour

What do you use to?

I usually use it to whisk eggs or to mix cake and cupcake batter

Do you always have to use eggs to bake cupckaes?

you should. Most cupcake recipies say to.

What do you use whisk to do?

I usually use it to whisk eggs or to mix cake and cupcake batter

Are there eggs in graham crackers?

yes, there is because most graham crackers are made from flour and eggs. Most desert or snacks have eggs(made from eggs). for example crackers, cookies, cake, cupcake, and pancakes.

How many atoms are there in a cupcake pie?

There are millions of atoms in a cupcake pie. If you made a dot with a pencil on a piece of paper, there could be over a hundered atoms.

What can be used as a substitute for eggs when making cupcake?

Baking soda/Bicarbonate of Soda are the best egg substitutes.

Where does the alligator come from?

alligators come from eggs and the eggs come from their mothers'

What was the first cupcake recipe?

1 Cup butter, 2 Cups sugar, 3 Cups flour, and 4 eggs

Why too little amount of eggs will not allow the cupcake to rise as much compared to a normal cupcake?

Eggs act as a leavening (rising agent) in cake batter and as a binder, which makes the batter smooth and gives the cake or cupcakes a good texture. Typically, a recipe which will make a 2-layer cake or 24 cupcakes will call for 3 eggs. Using fewer eggs means the batter will not rise as high or have a light, springy texture.

Why hasn't my parakeet laid any eggs?

well most parakeets dont lay eggs right away give him her some time it will come around

When do spawn eggs come out on minecraft Xbox360?

on the next update but there isnt a date set for it right now