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That's not necessarily true. If you are very active then you will be okay but if your not you might put on weight. If you have always eaten them and it hasn't affected you then there is no need to worry now.

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Q: If you eat french fries every day do you get fat?
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How much french fries to Americans eat?

The average American can eat 29 pounds of French fries every year. With French fries and other foods combine, an American can eat a total of 2000 pounds of food each year.

Why do seagulls eat fries?

Yes, I've seen them eat french fries.

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Can you drink french fries?

No you eat them.

What is Cameron Diaz s favorite food?

Her favourite food is Green Curry Chicken It would be french fries. She says she could eat it every day...I think she does actually.

Is fish and chips bad for your health?

It's not something you should eat every day. "Chips"/French fries are starches, they're deep fried in oil, and heavily salted.

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Can spiders eat french fries?

no because there are so little to eat french fries they only eat small insects.

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obviously french fries

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Why did Thomas Jefferson invent french fries?

To eat it