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1210 mL

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Q: If a glass contains 0.121 L of milk what is the volume of mL?
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Homogenized whole milk contains 4 butterfat by volume. How many milliliters of fat are there in a glass (250 mL) of milk?

10 mL

You know the volume of a glass of milk.What else would you need to know to find the density of the milk?

To find the density of the milk, you would also need to know the mass of the milk. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the substance by its volume. With both the volume and mass information, you can calculate the density of the milk using the formula: Density = Mass / Volume.

How much does glass of milk weigh?

No exact value but you can know the mass of liquid from this relation Denisty=Mass/volume so the mass=Volume*Density ,,, this is the weight of milk you can add the weight of the glass but you must first weigh it on a balance.

How much does a glass of milk weigh?

No exact value but you can know the mass of liquid from this relation Denisty=Mass/volume so the mass=Volume*Density ,,, this is the weight of milk you can add the weight of the glass but you must first weigh it on a balance.

How much calcium is in a glass of milk?

A standard 8-ounce glass of milk typically contains about 300 milligrams of calcium.

What does a carton of milk measure liter or milliliter?

The volume of a glass of milk would best be measured in millilitres.

How do people use volume in everyday life?

"Pour me a half glass of milk", for example.

When you pour milk from a carton into a glass the milk changes a. Volume b. Shape c.mass?

Milk is a liquid,so it takes the shape of a container.(properties of a liquid)

What is a volume in math in forth grade math?

Amount of space available than an object can hold at maximum. For example, a glass of milk filled all the way to the brim. The milk is the volume.

Is homogenized milk a mixture?

Homogenized milk is still a mixture. The milk still contains water, fat and other minerals such as calcium. Homogenized milk only looks instead of settling at the bottom of a glass.

What metric unit of measurement would you use to measure the amount of milk in a glass?

the best unit to use for measuring milk is milliliter

Suppose the volume of milk in a glass is 230 cubic cm If 1 gallon of milk equals 3.79 liters how many glasses of milk are in 1 gallon?

16, 2, or 1?