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There is a slight risk of salmonella Food poisoning, however the odds are against it, you should know within the next few hours. Tell your next of kin what happened.

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Q: I put a donut in my mouth I realized it had been bitten on one side by a mouse should I worry about it?
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What will be the out come if one should eat a food that has been bitten by a mouse?

The mouse will go hungry... You are more likely to get killed by a meteorite than suffer any ill effects from this situation.

How did Walt get the idea of Minnie Mouse?

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Why do mouses and fleas live together?

because your house is filthy. actually, fleas feed on their host( mouse) for their blood, forming a parasitic symbiotic relationship. the mouse may not know it is there until it has been bitten.

Can you get Alzheimer's disease when bitten by a transgenic mouse or when cut with a surgical tool that has the mouse's blood on it?

Alzheimer's disease is not transmitted by a virus or bacteria, nor is DNA transferred from a transgenic mouse.

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2 bullying mice (?) You need to separate the poor mouse that is being bitten to stop the little ones misery.

What are the effects of getting bit by a mouse?

There a number of possible effects of getting bitten by a mouse. The most common ones include tetanus, rabies, rat-bite fever and many more.

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The country mouse realized that the city mouse lived in a dangerous and stressful environment compared to his simple but safe life in the countryside. He understood that the comforts of city life came with a trade-off of constant fear and unease.

Got bit by a house mice?

If you got bitten by a mouse the chances are you will be completely fine. But some are diseased so keep an eye on the bite.

Can people have raibes?

I think you are trying yo say, "Can people have rabies?". And yes, people can have rabies. They get it by being bitten by a diseased animal, such as a bat or a mouse.

Should you get a mouse or dwarf hamster?

I think a dwrf mouse

How often should the mouse be fed?

how much food does my mouse need

What should you do if your pet mouse has blood in its stool?

Take your mouse to the vet.