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Yes. Not because the rat ate it... Because its cheetos.

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Q: I ate Cheetos that might have been shared with a rat. will that give you rabies?
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They might have only been for a limited time.

Are rabies deadly?

Rabies has not been found to be contagious from person to person. In theory, if a person infected with rabies were to bite someone else, the virus might spread, but no such cases have been recorded.

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Can a hippo get rabies?

Yes, it's a mammal. Although I have never heard of an hippo contracting rabies, there have been reports about elphants with rabies.

Can you get rabies after 4 years after you been bite by a dog?

i don't think you will get rabies because its been for 4 years since you have been bitten by a dog.

Who was the first person to get rabies?

We don't know - rabies has been in the mammal population for thousands of years.

Who discovered rabies?

Rabies was not discovered by a single person as it has been known for thousands of years. However, the first written record of rabies is thought to be in the Mesopotamian Codex of Eshnunna, dating back to 2300 BC, describing symptoms similar to rabies in dogs.

Can a cat get rabies when they have had a rabies shot?

Rabies vaccinations in cats need to be renewed every 1 to 3 years. Your cat shouldn't contract rabies if they've been recently vaccinated. If you think your cat has been exposed to rabies, or can't remember when your cat was last vaccinated, call your vet ASAP. There is no cure or treatment for rabies in cats once symptoms occur, it's a fatal disease. It's also a disease that humans can contract. Unfortunately, there are no tests that definitively show if an animal has rabies except for a test that is performed on samples of the brain after the animal has died. This is why it's extremely important to keep up with your cat's rabies vaccinations.

Can you eat a chicken that was bitten by an animal with rabies?

I would Definitely NOT eat a chicken that has been bitten by an animal with rabies. Unless you want rabies, too.

Did rabies start in the 1900s?

No. Records of rabies have been found from more than 4,000 years ago.

Can a person get rabies from eating a vegetable which has been chewed upon by an animal infected with rabies?

That is very serious thing. You need to have rabies immunoglobulin shot also along with course of anti rabies vaccine.