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Q: How would clearing a forest to plant corn affect the environment?
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How does structural stratification of a forest affect its diversity of animal life?

strata is referring to a layer or canopy of a forest stand. the canopy will provide a shade to the forest floor which is needed for shade demanding plant to grow. For other place which is not under a canopy, the light demanding plant will grow. moreover, canopy also influence in environment condition such as temperature, wind, light, and many more that will affect the animal and plant under it.

How aerial plants adapt in the environment?

adaptionthis is useally in pond plant,aerial plant,desert plant,vines, and forest.

How do plants interact with the environment?

the environment affect plant by cutting tree and by so many things and the plant affect environment by breath the oxgyen on the night

How plant and animal activities may affect the environment?


What type of plant could prosper in a forest environment with rich soil?

bush dasies

How is reforestation related to environment?

Reforestation is when you plant new trees after the forest was destroyed in fire, cutting, diseases, ect.

Describe the interaction between a plant and its environment What does the plant obtain from the environment and how does the plant affect its environment?

Plants obtain sunlight, water, and nutrients from the environment through processes like photosynthesis and root uptake. They also interact with other organisms for pollination, seed dispersal, and symbiotic relationships. Plants contribute to their environment by producing oxygen, providing habitats and food for other organisms, and influencing local climate and soil composition.

What is one reason why the tropical rainforest is endangered?

One reason why the tropical rainforest is endangered is due to deforestation, primarily for activities such as agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development. This results in loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystems, and contributes to climate change.

How does this adaptation affect their life habits in their environment?

I am not sure what adaptation you are referring to, and which animal or plant you are wondering about.

When coal is burned in a power plant for electricity in one city how might this affect a forest many miles away?

It could contribute to acid rain falling on the forest.

What is the main plant in the forest?

The main plant in the forest is trees.

Is boron harmful to environment?

Boron can be harmful to the environment in high concentrations. It can affect plant growth and function in soil, impacting ecosystems. However, in moderate amounts, boron is essential for plant growth and health.