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Swimming helps to force water through the shark's gills, providing the shark with oxygen; the shark may not get enough oxygen otherwise.

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Q: How would a hammerhead shark die if it stop swimming?
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Do hammerhead sharks never stop swimming around?

They do not stop swimming, if they did they would die.

What 3 shark species drown if the stop swimming?

Great White, blue shark,and MAko

Where do shark sleep?

Most sharks do not sleep.If they stop swimming....they will die.They need water running through their gills to get oxygen.However.....some sharks, like the Nurse Shark, can stop swimming for a while & have a snooze.

How long can a shark swim?

Sharks are seven times faster than the finest Olympic swimmer. They can not stop swimming because if they did they would drown.

Why do sharks swim continously?

If sharks stop swimming,then they sink, but the nurse shark is an exception

How are hammerheads endangered?

Hammerheads are one of the medium sized species of sharks, which make them an easy target for fishermen. Their fins are a delicacy. As a result of overfishing, hammerhead numbers have fallen drastically in many of their habitats. Fishermen usually cut off their fins and toss the remainder of the fish into the sea to die a horrible death. Loss of habitat is another danger to these sharks. Because of widespread uncontrolled hunting, hammerheads are considered an "endangered" species. Unless hunting them is stopped soon, these species may become extinct very soon.

Why do sharks swim?

Sharks must continuously swim in order to force oxygenated water through their gills. If a shark were to stop swimming, he would begin to suffocate for lack of oxygen.

Do sixgill sharks migrate?

no because every tipe of shark cold die if they dont stop swimming. plus they dont sleep

What do fish look like when they're sleeping?

a fish, since it is in the water, and has no eyelids, would float underwater in place, with its eyes open. this is unlike the shark, who needs to constantly keep swimming to stay up in the water because it does not have air bladders to keep it up. if the shark were to stop swimming, it would immediately sink to the bottom. thank you very much for reading my answer.

What sharks are Nocturnal?

All of them. Sharks never sleep and are always looking for a meal. Of course, some are more active at night than others. If a shark were to stop swimming at any time, it would sink to the bottom of the ocean!

What do you do on Shark tooth island?

On Shark Tooth Island, a giant shark named Booga is menacing the residents and impeding shipping on the island. Professor Hammerhead disappeared while studying the shark. But his investigations of the ruins provide information to discover a way to neutralize the shark. The island's medicine man can mix a sleeping potion from three ingredients found on the island. You can use this to stop the shark and rescue a missing boy from a small offshore island. (see related question)

How long does it take a hammerhead shark to reproduce?

hammer heads usually sleep for up to three hours a day because if they stop moving they withday do they move their tail (back fins) as they sleep