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A fishes behavior would change in a few ways if it had an open circulatory system. However, the most common would be the fish would become extremely active.

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Q: How would a Fishes behavior change if it had an open circulatory system?
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How would a fish's behavior change if they had an open circulatory system?

Well I'm not sure but the fish would probably be less active because the circulation wouldn't be as good in an open circulatory system so it wouldn't be able to retrieve as much oxygen for its energy level and it would need to slow down.

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closed circulatory system (double circulatory system)

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It really wouldn't make a big change to the circulatory system because the damage has already occurred but it surely would prevent it from getting the circulatory system any worse.

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when circulatory system fails to work, colour change and temperature change happens, its an immediate effect. u can check it by tieing a rubberband in your finger tip.

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They're both the circulatory system.

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Amphibians have closed circulatory system Closed

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What system is the heart apart of?

The cadiovascular system, sometimes called the circulatory system when it includes the lymphatic system.