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my goldfish (PIG) he is 17" long he has this right now.

let me tell you this is a long haul it will depend on how much you love your fish. this is going to be very costly and time consuming.

the red spots are blood and the red streaks in the tale they are both from ammonia level andthe spots are from ammonia and bacteria.


the size of your tank might be to small.

first you have to get the ammonia level under control and the pH goldfish like more than 7.0

use ammonia lock, aquarium salt, stress coat, and stress zyme.

i order my stuff from dr. foster and smith. its so much cheeper than the pet shop and for a little more they will ship overnight.

if you do not get this under control the fish will get open sores.

you should use gallons of drinking water, spring has to many minnerals in it

you should also put another air pump on in addition to what you are using now. try and keep the temp of the tank the same.

after the ammonia level is under control begin with a wide spec. antiboitic for bacteria.

you will have to change water every day before treatment then test

after you do this it is very important to put back in the ammonia lock salt stress coat and stress zyme but only for the amount of water you replace.

good luck to you and God's speed!

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12y ago
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12y ago

A red spot on a goldfish may be caused by high ammonia levels.This red spot, referred to as an ammonia burn, is the result of not having a properly cycled tank or by adding too much ammonia to the tank(adding too many fish,overfeeding,etc.).The burn,if truly an ammonia burn, should turn black in the next few days.If it turns black then that means its healing and should disappear soon.The best way to treat the burn is to put the fish in clean ammonia free water or to do many partial water changes until the ammonia levels become lower.If the redspot does not go away then it could be an ucler or tumor.

It is genetic and normal. It is not a ammonia burn. The people in Japan cherish them as it looks like their flag. The correct name is Tancho.

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14y ago

If the spots are on the fishes pectoral (side) fins, and if the fish also has spots on its gill plates, it is a sign that the fish is a male and it is comming into breeding condition. If the spots are on other fins too then the fish could have "White Spot" (Ich) and probably needs chemical treatment. Pet shops carry good reliable cures for this problem.

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14y ago

Treat it like any other fish deep fry and dip it in tartar sauce

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11y ago

If your fish is an oranda (fan tail) it is completely natural for it to have a red spot anywhere on its body. Orandas usually have quite strange patterns and spots.

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