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After about 48 more hours, the fry start swimming freely, at this point, remove the male as well.

Once the male is out, it's time to insert an air-operated sponge-filter (the filter must run for about two weeks before spawning in a well established aquarium!!!) and to feed the fry.

First foods are Infusorians (mostly Paramecium), Green-water, Powdered dry foods and liquid fry foods are suitable for (small) fry such as these.

Another way to supplement the fry's diet is by using Java-moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) in the aquarium (this plant is also essential as a hideout for the female!). This plant provides a substrate for a rich Micro-fauna of microscopic creatures, which supply addition to the fry's diet.

The fry should be fed about two to three times a day, be careful not to over feed them, as ammonia is the second fry killer (first is hunger).

Once the fry are about a week old, you can start adding Micro-worms to their diet, and after another week adding BBS (baby brine-shrimps).

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Q: How to keep your Baby betta fish and ways they can die?
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Is it illegal to sell Betta fish?

If you sell their bottled blood, its okay, but other ways, no.

What is a crowntail?

A crowntail is a beta fish with a teardrop-shaped fan tail. The tail of a crowntail beta distinguishes it from other betas. The crowntail is a Siamese fighting fish that grows to 1.5-inches in length.

What do betta fish need to live?

food and water. I feed mine 6 pellets of food and keep him in 2 gallons of water.Beta fish are actually quite easy to manage. Typically, a beta fish should be fed pellets that are specified for it, it should be given these pellets either once or twice a day. You do not keep your fish in a filtered fish bowl; you can keep it in a regular fish bowl. If you do keep your beta fish in a regular fish bowl, I would suggest cleaning the bowl at least twice a month.

Where is fighter fish from?

"Siamese fighting fish" (Betta splendens) originated in the paddy fields, puddles and slow water ways in the tropical rainforests of what used to be called "Siam" now known as "Thailand".

What do you do if a betta fish is sick?

You can tell they are healthy if they: - Eat regularly and normally - Have a bright color - Swim with ease - Are somewhat active To KEEP your pet heathly clean his/her cage regularly and feed him regularly too! He will live many, happy years if you take good care of him!

What are five ways to get clean and fresh water at home?

All I do is get water from my kitchen sink for my betta fish, goldfish, and tetras. I do the same for my cleaner fish. They like it a lot. I also sometimes add tap water, but they are fine without it.

How are fish different from other vetebrates?

Well,if your talking about how fish and land animals are different,then I'll help.Fish can breathe for a very long time underwater (aquarium fish,like the Betta,i don't think they surface for air.) and fish have a more flexible spine,so the can turn in unbelievable ways in the water.

Does fish have babies when a fish is kissing a fish?

Different fish breed in different ways, most fish lay eggs which the males fertilize. Some fish are livebearers and give birth to actual baby fry. These include guppies, Endler's livebearers, mollies and platys. But I have never heard of fish having babies by 'kissing', so I would say no. How each fish spawn though, depends on the fish. Bettas squeeze the eggs out of the female then the male betta brings them up to a bubble nest he's created. Some African cichlids keep the eggs in their mouths until they hatch, some fish lay eggs in cones, some only on flat surfaces, some in leaves or inclines, some scatter them into the water. You would really need to be more specific about the type of fish to answer this question thoroughly. - Cole ( Expert Fish Hobbyist)

Ways to prevent fish eaten fish?

Always keep your fish well fed so they are not very hungry. Don't mix small fish with large ones that may eat them.

What is a dragon Siamese fighting fish?

Dragon Siamese Fighting fish are another colour variety of Betta's. There are different colour varieties - but the defining feature of a Dragon Betta is the metallic colouration. The fuller the metallic colouration is over the body (and over the face - known as the mask), the better quality it is. Dragons come in all finnage varieties, with most popular being Half Moon. Metallic scales come in all colours including pearl-white, copper, gold, silver, metallic blue/green/purple and so forth.

How do fish communicate to each other?

Since this question is in the Betta section I assume you are asking about Bettas reactions to other fish. Bettas are very slow moving and peacefull fish when kept with other species. The only time a male Betta becomes aggressive is if another male Betta comes into his vicinity (Tank). So, if you don't put two Bettas in the same tank, you will never have fighting problems with one by itself or in a community.

What are ways you can keep your Cardiovascular system healthy?

Running Swimming (better for joints) Fish Oil And Just basic heathly living