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Avoiding susceptible varieties, following proper cultivation practices, introducing natural enemies, and using insecticides and traps are ways to control white bugs (Bemisia argentifolii, B. tabaci) on sweet potatoes.

Specifically, some varieties of sweet potato are more vulnerable to attack than others. Sweet potatoes have spatial requirements in order to be adequately planted, irrigated and fertilized. As an edible, their proper growth, look and taste will benefit from the application of such non-chemical controls as the introduction of white bug-hostile green lacewings (Chrysoperla carnea), lady beetles (Delphastus pusillus) and parasitic wasps (Encarsia formosa) as well as the use of yellow sticky traps placed horizontally over sweet potato canopies. They also will exhibit better survival rates through treatments by horticultural oils against eggs and egg-layers and by neem oil-based insect growth regulators against immature white bugs and use of horticultural or paraffinic oils and insecticidal soap against adults.

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You can spray your vines with hot pepper juice. Of course, spray after it rains or the pepper juice will wash off.

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Q: How to keep insects off sweet potato vine plant?
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