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The type of water in an aquarium does not affect how thick the glass should be. Glass thickness is determined by tank size; and heavily influenced by height.

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Q: How thick should the glass be on a salt water aquarium?
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What does tapping the glass on happy aquarium do?

Tapping the glass on any real aquarium sends shock waves through the water. This can damage the fish.

What common protists grow on your aquarium glass?

I do believe it is Oomycete, or water mold.

What is the root word for aquarium?

The word aquarium is a noun. It is a glass tank for keeping fish in.

If a glass aquarium has a volume of 2315.52 cubic inches how many gallons of water will it hold?

To convert cubic inches to gallons, divide the volume in cubic inches by 231. This gives you the equivalent volume in gallons. In this case, a glass aquarium with a volume of 2315.52 cubic inches will hold approximately 10 gallons of water.

What does aquarium do?

An Aquarium is a glass or plastic tub that is filled with water. An aquarium supports some organism whether it is a plant or a fish. They almost always have filters and they give you a look at the ocean from inside your house.

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How and when the water in an aquarium should be changed?

Every week

What kind of glass tank holdes living water animals or plants?

An aquarium is a type of glass tank that is specifically designed to hold living water animals and plants. It typically includes features such as a filtration system, lighting, and appropriate water conditions to support aquatic life.

What is a fish tank made of?

Glass. Or thick Plastic. Filled with water. Get smart -_-

How do you keep hot water warm in a glass jar?

Cover it with a thick lid.

What should the water temper ature be in an aquarium?

about ocean temperature.

Why do you need to clean aquarium?

An aquarium needs to be cleaned for several reasons. One is to keep the water toxins at safe levels which requires regular water changes. The other is to clean algae from the glass so that you are able to see your fish.