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You should be able to feel the puppies move at around 6 1/2 weeks during gestation.

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Q: How soon can you feel puppies move in the womb?
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Related questions

Do puppies always move in womb?

There sleeping

How small are puppies in the womb?

so tiny its a spece

Where are the puppies located in the female dogs body?

In the womb where else!

When do the puppies start moving in the womb?

Puppies start moving in the womb around day 45-50 of gestation. At this stage, they are developing their motor skills and strength, which allows them to start shifting and kicking inside the mother's womb.

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Does the baby have to move all the time in the womb?

nope. sometimes babies dont move at all. they do sleep a lot in the womb.

Is possible for a going 3 months old baby in the womb not yet moving?

I'm 15 weeks pregnant. And i haven't feel him/her move yet. I'm so excited to feel him/her. Anyways i think you should feel your baby move by 4 to 5 months. ^^

Can you feel your intestines move an it feels like a baby but not be pregnant?

I have and I do not have a womb so I can't be pregnant. Feels exactly like when a baby moves in youl

What age can children go in bars in the US?

as soon as they exit the womb

How soon does a baby hear music in the womb?

About 6 months along.

Why can a dog have so many pups?

Dogs have so many puppies because 1. Dogs don't live as long as people do, so a dog will need more "replacements" then people do. 2. Dogs can hold more puppies inside of their womb than people can hold infants in their womb.

Where were puppies made?

Puppies are typically born in a mother dog's womb, where they develop before being born through the process of childbirth. Puppies are the offspring of two parent dogs that have mated and produced a litter of puppies.