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Once the babies have become independent and are not feeding off the mother. If you handle the babies or put your scent in the cage before this time, the mother will eat the babies.

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14y ago
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14y ago

You can clean out your hamster cage when your hamster babies is at least 3 weeks. You can wait a little longer, just in case.

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13y ago

You can clean out the cage after 4 weeks. You can give them new homes from 4-7 weeks.

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11y ago

Wait at least a week to completely clean it. You can scoop out the wet bedding without disturbing momma hamster, just don't touch the babies.

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Q: How soon after the hamster has given birth can you clean the house with the babies in?
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When is the best time to clean a hamster cage after giving birth?

Well, after your hamster gives birth you can clean the cage after about two days or a day after birth but when you do clean a round the nest. And I know this because my hamster has given birth three times.

Will 3 week old dwarf hamster babies eat the newborn dwarf hamster babies?

My hamsters baby's were nearly 4 weeks old when we found she had given birth to more babies and they seemed to protect them with mum

Can you leave another female hamster in the cage after the mother has given birth?

no you cant have two females in the same cage after one has giving birth they will fight over the babies... and the other female might try to eat the new born babies.

When can you handle a hamster mother?

It is safest to handle a hamster mother when it's ok to hold her babies as well (3 and 1/2 weeks). But you can take her out for short periods about a week after she's given birth, to give her a break from motherhood, and the babies will be fine also. Good luck!

What are some tips to do with the hamster babies after the mother hamster has given birth?

i think you should let them be with their mom and just grow xD and watch them just like taking care of a real baby but let the hamster mom do the job and when they start walking like a normal hamster you can pick them up

Why are all babies given eyes drops at birth?

Babies are given eye drops at birth to prevent any infections that the baby may pick up from travelling down the birth canal, because a baby can pick up infections from vaginal secrections from the mother during birth because the birth canal and vagina are not very clean. If eye drops are not given (which in many poor countries they aren't) a baby can get eye infections and even go blind from the infections that he or she picks up during birth.

Where do you keep the mother hamster after they've given birth?

you should keep it in a separate cage

What do you do after your Syrian hamster has given birth?

You leave the mother and babies well alone! Remove any other hamster and make sure that mom has lots of high protein foods - chicken breast (cooked), milky porridge, vegetables, sunflower seeds - no fruits!. Don't clean the cage till the babies are 12 days old, then you can clean the toilet corner and remove some dirty bedding as long as it is replaced with fresh. when the babies are 3 weeks old you can then remove the mom as they won't be drinking her milk anymore and she might get stressed. When the babies are 4 weeks old they need to be separated into separate gender cages - all the male in 1 cage, all the female in another. By week 5 you can sell them on to petshops or individuals.

What woman who has three babies at once has?

triplets. othewize i would say this person had 3 babies

Will a young hamster mother take care of her babies?

A teddy bear hamster will only eat her young if she is threatened or in danger or if she does not have food or if she needs some proteins other wise if left alone for the needed time before weaning the mother will raise her young normally.

What is the second most single births to on woman?

8 babies. But it depends, some women have given birth to 10 babies but that case is rare.

What did the Germans do to kill babies in Auschwitz?

Babies were drowned at birth. For some reason the Germans decided that it was wrong to kill an expectant mother, but as soon as the mother had given birth it was alright to kill them both.