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The answer to this is dependent on the type of product in question. Items such as part baked breads that are sealed can be kept in a cool, dry cupboard, whereas things like raw cookie dough or bread dough are best kept in the fridge to prevent spoiling. Bear in mind, it's best to let the dough come back to temperature before baking and not to leave it more than 7 days before use.

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10y ago

The best way to store bread is to store it in the freezer. The bread will be fresh even after a few days and it is still soft. The most important is that you have to remember that you have some bread stored in the freezer and consume it within a few days.

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A homophone of "doe" is "dough". This term refers to an uncooked mixture of flour, water, and other ingredients used for baking bread or pastry.

Does uncooked bread dough spoil?

Yes, you must cook it or freeze it when not in use. If it consists of raw eggs (which this does), it must either be used soon, or refrigerated/ frozen.

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Depends on the dough? Any dough with eggs in the mix will spoil after 4 hours, you risk bacteria growth. If its canned dough if it sits out for too long the texture canges and wont rise properly. You'll end up with flat biscuits or flat bread.

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Pot of flour + jug/bucket of water = dough (pick bread dough).

What is the difference between soft and stiff yeast dough?

Soft dough is used for bread doughnuts , struesel and other bread products. stiff yeast is used for your drier type breads , noodles , dumplings . hope that helps

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Dough improver is actually called bread improver. it is used in bread making and can be bought in supermarkets. You add the bread improver into the dough and it will make a better loaf of bread.

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bread dough

What are the supertitious beliefs in science?

Spinning an egg to see if it is boiled or uncooked- if it is wobbly, it is uncooked. otherwise, it is not. Immersing an egg in cold water to see if it is fresh or old- if it floats it is old, if it sinks it is fresh. Adding yeast to bread dough and covering the dough with cloth and leaving it alone for a few hours before baking- the cloth keeps insects from contaminating the dough and the yeast creates small holes in the dough filled with carbon dioxide making the bread rise.

What are the products of yeast activity?

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