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Over 95% of the corn and soy that is commercially grown in the United States is GMO. A large percentage of animals grown to feed people and pets are fed GMO feed. In addition, many are raised in factory farms and are given growth hormones that may have been genetically modified. At least 70% of the processed foods sold in grocery stores contain GMOs. Organically grown corn, soy, canola, and papayas may have been cross-pollinated by GMO crops, so they may contain small amounts of GMOs even if they are labeled "100% organic." GMO sweet corn has been developed, though it is not known as of August 2014 if it has been approved for commercial production. In short, GMOs are so prevalent that it is becoming more and more difficult to choose to eat non-GMO foods.

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Q: How prevalent are GMOs?
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Related questions

Are gmos easier to grow than regular food?

There is no known information that indicates GMOs are easier to grown than non-GMOs.

How GMOs improve food production?

There is no evidence that GMOs have improved food production.

Why is organic farming more prevalent these days?

Organic farming is more prevalent these days partly because people want their food to be free of GMOs, but also because non-organic foods contain additives, preservatives, and other substances that may be unhealthy. In short, people want to eat what they consider to be purer, healthier food.

Do the Consumer Protection Laws protect consumers from being forced to accept GMOs?

No, they do not. There are no laws that protect consumers if they do not want to eat GMOs. The consumers' only choice if they wish to avoid eating GMOs is to stop eating lots of foods that may contain GMOs.

How can GMOs affect allergies in people or animals?

GMOs (genetically modified food) may create allergies.

What is the group of people that hate GMOs called?

People don't hate GMOs. Those who oppose GMOs being used commercially at this point in their development are called anti-GMOers and fearmongers, among other names.

Would animal products that may have consumed GMOs be required to have a label?

No, they would not be required to be labeled. No foods that contain GMOs are required to be labeled as such.

What is gmo?

I just wrote an article that talks about GMOs. The GMO rice, called golden rice, is described under the section "GMOs Can Improve Nutrition."

What is rice GMO?

I just wrote an article that talks about GMOs. The GMO rice, called golden rice, is described under the section "GMOs Can Improve Nutrition."

How do GMOs relate to biology and chemistry?

GMOs are transgenic organisms. A gene is taken from one species and forced into another, which is what creates a transgenic organism.

Does Obama and his family eat the GMOs that he's made legal?

To be fair, it was not Obama that made GMOs legal. President George W. Bush (and possibly presidents before him) was very supportive of GMOs and the FDA has responsibility of approving them. As for whether Obama and his family eat GMO foods, no one knows.

Why is the food and agriculture industry largely posed to labeling GMOs cloned foods?

We can only guess at what their motives are, but considering that it is estimated that 70% of the processed foods in grocery stores contain GMOs and the reaction that Europe had to GMO foods, it is reasonable to believe that they oppose labeling because they fear that labeling GMOs would severely hurt their sales.