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You can expect eggs as soon as 7-8 months old.

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It can be any age...its a bit obvious

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Q: How old is a turkey hen when she start to lay?
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Call a turkey that is under 16 weeks old?

hen or a tom

What does it take for a hen to lay an egg?

She needs to be at least 16-20 weeks old.

What is the normal age at which a Peking hen lay her first egg?

127 years old

Do hens start sitting at certain time of the year or does it depend on the hen's age?

It depends on how old the hen is.

Will the peahen lay eggs or not?

Yes, with or without the peacock, the hen will lay eggs at about 2 years old. Early summer is usually the time they start and they can lay as many as 30 if they are collected for incubation.

Can a hen lay eggs at 16 weeks old?

Some breeds can start that young yes. First eggs of a pullet that age are often malformed and "test" eggs as the oviduct is just starting to produce.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per month?

o ton they lay about 260 eggs a day. Most chickens lay about one egg per day. After the chicken gets around one year old they start to produce less eggs. Chickens do not produce eggs every day. A good hen will produce 320 to 340 per yesr.

When can you breed your chicken?

Hens will start allowing the rooster to mount at about 6 months old or so. Some pullets do not accept the roosters advances until later but eventually she will. Once your hen starts to lay eggs the rooster will be interested.

The process of giving birth to young turkeys?

When a turkey hen is ready to lay eggs, she will find a secluded spot to build a nest and lay a clutch of eggs over a period of about two weeks. She will then stay on the nest to incubate the eggs for around 28 days until they hatch. Once the poults hatch, the mother turkey will care for and protect her young until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

How does a hen show signs of old age?

They start to break down (mentally); they like do things that you wouldn't expect from a hen. They just flat-out change.

How do chickens on an egg farm reproduce do they need a roster?

Yes. reproduction is still carried out the old fashioned way, the mating of a hen with a rooster. Without the roosters involvement, the hen will still lay eggs but they will not be fertile.

What is point of lay?

Point of lay refers to poultry which are old enough to start producing eggs.