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Under NO circumstances give any cat cow's milk, the high lactose level will make them sick. Kittens can tolerate some lactose in milk but all adult cats are completely lactose intolerant!

If you want to offer your cat milk, used only milk formulated specifically for cats (i.e. lactose free with taurine added).

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Q: How old do kittens have to be before they can have cow's milk?
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How old do kittens have to be before you can start them on milk in a bowl?

to be honest, milk is not actually good for cats so it is best not to give them milk. but you can sometimes get these special milk for kittens from pet shops. you can feed them that from quite a young age.

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Do four week old kittens still need milk?

Kittens need their mother's milk for at least 8 weeks.The answer to your question is yes.

How do you introduce cows milk to a one year old?

"One year old, this is cow's milk. Cow's milk, this is one year old."

How long should kittens be on milk replacement?

Until it is 6-8 weeks old, since that's when it would normally leave it's mother. Most kittens stop drinking milk a little before then.

When does a cat get there milk?

A cat gets there milk when they are about 19 months to a year old sometimes they don't get their milk and won't be able to feed their kittens you can get cat milk from your local cat breeder and put it in a bottle and feed to the kittens (a little at a time) a cat might get their milk younger than 19 months- 1 year old if you are not sure if your cat has milk or not take it to your vet and see what they say ( i hoped this helps!)

How were cows milked in the 1900s?

They were milked the old fashioned way.Now they use factories to milk cows.

Is it safe to give a 1 month old baby cows milk daily?

hi i am a mother of a 5 month old and have been told that you should only give a babe under the age of 1 years old eather brest milk or baby formula milk never cows milk so no its not advisable to give a 1 month old cows milk ever unless advised by a health visitor or a doctor

How old can dog be to give it cows milk?

1 month and older

Do cats produce milk?

A kitten, or cat, doesn't need cows milk at any age. Most cats are lactose intolerant and, kittens especially, can get an upset stomach. A kitten with diarrhoea can get very dehydrated very quickly and that can easily become fatal. If the kitten if very young, giving it Kitten Replacer Milk (KMR) will not harm it and will give it a little extra nutrition. If the kitten is old enough to completely eat solid food, water is just fine.

How old does the cat have to be when can you desex a cat?

If a cat has already been pregnant and had kittens, you need to wait till her milk has fully dried up before you can have her fixed. And thus, if she has already been pregnant, she is old enough for the operation.