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Never, unless it is injured badly. Even then, you'd have to go see a specialized "vet" that deals with small animals (many vets don't deal with small animals) and if you do have to, then it's apt to be extremely expensive (I think roughly $100 for a "checkup")

Don't take your hamster to the vet unless you're financially independent just to get a diagnosis that "your hamster is just fine".

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12y ago
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13y ago

You should normally check its teeth each week or two, if its brown consult a vet if you think you need to consult one if its white you are fine.

Otherwise check it each month its recommended that you check it each month because your hamster shouldn't really eat unhealthy food e.g chips, cookies, biscuits unless it was for a treat.

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12y ago

you may only bring it to the vet when it have serious injure or problem xP

but you must keep it healthy, for example carrots and other veggies cuz they

love them^! Also, check your hamster's health maybe twice a week so it will

not get curse in any sickness. HAHA (: HOPE IT HELPED! ;O ---it helped; no probs!---

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12y ago

depends on what it is having done

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Q: How often should i check my hamster's teeth?
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Are hamsters meant to have yellow teeth?

Yes, hamsters should have yellow teeth.

How do you check your hamsters teeth?

You eat the hamster. Then you yawn. Then you look at the teeth.

Why are your hamsters teeth yellow?

Hamsters do have yellow teeth it is normal. it is an extra layer of enamel. It makes the rats teeth stronger

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no hamsters dont have baby teeth -bb

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no they dont have buck teeth

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Is it normal for a hamsters teeth to fall out?

no it isnt, i would check with a vet to be sure that nothings wrong. well actually it is normal for hamsters teehth to fall out. they grow back just like ours do just feed your pet soft food untill then and it should be fine after about a week.

How big can a hamsters teeth get?

A hamsters teeth don't get that big at all. They only get up to 2 inches from the gums up.

What do hamsters eat to keep there teeth helthy?

when you go to the pet store, theres this food called treat sticks.There hard and cruntchy to trimm your hamsters front teeth and makes it strong. You should always keep one in their cage.

How often should I get my teeth checked?

The dental check up just like a doctors check up should be done at least once a year. This will ensure that you have the best dental health available.

How do hamsters bite?

With Their teeth Maybe?

What breed of hamster has the softest teeth?

All hamsters have hard teeth!