romaine lettuce is different because it is much fresher than reg lettuce.
An average head of romaine lettuce typically weighs around 1 to 2 pounds.
You can purchase romaine lettuce at varied prices from store, health foods anywhere from 79 cents to two dollars a head. Romaine lettuce is the best nutritional choice.
4 g
Yes, rabbits can eat romaine lettuce, but only the dark-coloured parts (tear off the white/light-coloured bits and avoid entirely the heart or baby leaves). Too much romaine can lead to illness, so romaine can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but rabbits shouldn't eat lettuce every day. See the related question below for more details about the rabbit diet.
Carrots, lettuce, and hard boiled eggs. He is realy a great guy!
Yes, rabbits can eat romaine lettuce, but only the dark-coloured parts (tear off the white/light-coloured bits and avoid entirely the heart or baby leaves). Too much romaine can lead to illness, so romaine can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but rabbits shouldn't eat lettuce every day. See the related question below for more details about the rabbit diet.
If you want to know then go to the safeway and look yourself, is it that hard to figure out dummie?
Well honey, a head of romaine lettuce typically yields about 5-6 cups of torn or chopped leaves. So if you're looking to whip up a salad or just want to know how much roughage you're getting yourself into, now you know. Enjoy your greens, darling!
Lack of moisture can make lettuce bitter, but too little or too much of something (Nutrients) can also make lettuce bitter. Winter lettuce needs all the sun it can get.
Yes, but only once a week! That's the limit. Too much lettuce gives rabbits upset stomachs and diarrhea.
The average romanian lettuce can weigh from anywhere between 18,000kg to 500g. It really just varies on the particular size of the lettuce itself. If purchased from a local supermarket such as woolworths or coles, the lettuce is most likely tainted, so I would not recommend this. To cook the lettuce, it must first be lightly washed under a weak stream of water. Once you have dug a hole in your back yard, you must then place the damp lettuce inside the hole, then begin to make your fire. When you have preheated the fire to 209 degrees, your lettuce is then ready to be put in. Once left for 10 minutes, the lettuce is ready to serve. NOTE: The lettuce is made of 100% water.