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Q: How much water does a broccoli seedling need?
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How much water is needed to produce a 2.7 oz serving of broccoli?

If you are blanching the broccoli you would need approximately 1 quart of boiling water. otherwise water is not really needed.

What do a broccoli plant need to survive?


Does the seed need air warmth and water to develop into a seedling?

Yes, that is the cycle of a young plant.

What does a seedling need to grow?

A seedling needs water, light, nutrients from soil, and the right temperature to grow. These factors help the seedling to germinate, develop roots and leaves, and eventually grow into a mature plant.

How a seed germinates?

When a seed germinates, it absorbs water, causing it to swell and activate enzymes that break down stored nutrients. This leads to the sprouting of a root that anchors the seedling in the soil, while a shoot emerges to seek sunlight. Over time, the seedling develops into a mature plant.

What do seedling need to grow into mature plants?


Why does a seed need roots?

Seeds need roots because the soil sucks the water and the roots take it A seed does not need roots until it germinates and then as it has become a seedling it requires roots to survive.

How much vitamin c is there in 100g broccoli?

There is approximately 89.2 mg of vitamin C in 100g of broccoli.

What type of sun does broccoli need?

Broccoli is a vegetable. It needs direct sun light normally.

What three things does a seed need to germinate?

For germination to be a success you need water and warmth only. You do not need carbon dioxide. It is a common misconception. As seeds do not have leaves for photosynthesis, they do not need carbon dioxide.

How do you plant trees in Animal Crossing?

First, you must have a fruit or a seedling. Then, dig a hole using your shovel. While facing the hole, open up your menu, click on the fruit or seedling, and you will have four options (three if it is a seedling). For a fruit: Eat, Bury, drop, and Cancel. For a seedling: Bury, drop, and cancel. Chose 'bury' while facing the hole, and your character will bury the fruit or seedling. You have successfully planted a tree. (Remember, if you want it to grow, water it once a day if it is in the summer or any other hot time).

How much water do you need?

to much