Basic cake pops like the ones you find in Starbucks run about $USD 1.50-2.50 each.
If you're making specialty cake pops with shapes/characters they typically go for $USD 2.50-3.50 each.
You will need to figure your material costs including packaging and labor...cake pops are time consuming so that needs to be factored in.
some cake on a pop
It is $5, $3, $1
12 oz can of whatever compliments the flavor of cake you are using.
A cake pop is cake crumbled, blended with frosting then formed into balls (or other shapes) then dipped in chocolate. There are also cake pop makers and pans out there that bake cakes into balls. But a true cake ball/pop is blended with frosting first.
A cake pop is a confection consisting of a round piece of cake coated in icing or chocolate and stuck on a stick, similar to a lollipop.
A cake pop is a confection consisting of a round piece of cake coated in icing or chocolate and stuck on a stick, similar to a lollipop.
Baking in a silicone pan makes it easier to take the cake out of it.
This depends on which baker you're getting them from and if it's a basic cake pops or specialty design/character cake pop. In the US they range from $1.50 - $4/pc.
Whilst it is possible to shape and make cake pops without the use of a cake pop maker, buying one will really make your work easier and much more simple. Try looking at review sites or comparisons to find the one you want.
A unique and fun way to incorporate pop rocks into a cake recipe is to sprinkle them on top of the frosting just before serving. The pop rocks will create a fun popping sensation in your mouth as you eat the cake.
depends how much it costs to make but on average small cakes go for around£3.99