

How much salt shoulde you have per day?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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16y ago

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The average recommended daily allowance of salt is 2,300 milligrams per day for an adult human. This amount decreases to 1,500 milligrams for people 51 years old or older. The average daily amount of salt consumed by the average American is 3,500 milligrams.

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16y ago

you shoulde have no more than 2,400 milliograms per day

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How much salt is too much?

A typical person needs 4g of salt per day. Very few people need more than 6g of salt per day.The range for the healthy daily intake is 2-5 g.

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i really have no idea but they dont need so much that they get sick.

How much salt is normal per day?

The US FDA website says: "The Dietary Guidelines recommend that the general population consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day (about a teaspoon of table salt)." That's what recommended. You asked how much is "normal per day". Many people eat far more salt than that. Remember that almost all processed and canned foods have added salt and that has to be included in the teaspoon of salt described above.

How much salt do you need a day?

The Food Standards Agency in the UK recommends consuming a maximum of 6g per day (2.4g sodium)

Recommended salt per day?

Salt isn't good for you, but if so don't go over 500mg a day.

How many salt you need per day?


Daily allowance of salt per day?

2,300 mg/day is normal Most Americans get double that amount per day, which is extremely unhealthy. If you have high blood pressure, a doctor will usually advise that you consume much less than 2,300 mg

How many grams of sodium per day if you are salt sensitive?


How mg of salt should an adult eat a day?

The recommended daily allowance of salt is 2360 mg per day, which is approximately one teaspoon.

3 times a day?

3 time a day per a day do not feed them to much