kalp a pint
Forget about 'average' -Give us square feet.
up to 4 feet wide and 3 feet long
The average size of a home office is 10 feet by 10 feet. Most people do not need much space since they are working alone.
288 cubic feet of "air" or 19 cubic feet of pure oxygen .
There is quite a few feet of steel strands in the average tire.
there is an average of 15 feet
The average great white shark grows an average of 15 feet in length and can weigh up to 5,000 pounds. Some species can grow as long as 26 feet in length, but that is rare.
The city's yearly rainfall average is 11777mm or about 39 feet.
weight 550 pounds on average can get larger size 6.5 feet
Longest whale species is blue whales. On average they measure 85 feet for females and 92 feet for males. They can grow to as much as 110 feet.