Much of the nation's wheat is grown on the Great Plains. The geographic position of the Great Plains plays a huge role in influencing the climate that is favorable for growing wheat.
In 2013 the area cultivated with wheat was 2 135 000 ha.
Usually Around Like 10,000
don't f care but i think it's 99.9999999999999 .......... percent, im russian so i should d a m n righ now
I have no clue im asking you.
600 million metric tons of wheat is grown per year
Cereals, or cereal grains, are grown throughout much of the world, typically in open, flat areas. Some commonly-grown cereals include wheat, corn, oats, and rice.
The Middle Colonies exported so much grain they beacame known as "The Breadbasket Colonies"
Wheat is grown all around the world, especially in Europe, USA, Australia, Russia and China
Some crops grown in Europe are grapes, wheat, potatoes, barley. rice, cotton and many other things.Not much more!
It depends on the country where it was grown and where it is being distributed.