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Pumpkins are pollinated either by hand or by insects. Bumblebees, honeybees and squash bees represent the main apian pollinators in the United States of America. Bumblebees and squash bees seem to be particularly adept at timing nectaring and pollinating forages with the dawn to pre-noon opening of pumpkin flowers.

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Q: How much of all pumpkins are pollinated by bees?
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What are the flowers pollinated by bees?

All of them. Not all. Bess don't pollinate flour.

Is wind a pollinator?

No, a rose it not wind pollinated. Roses are pollinated by bees. A bee will collect nectar in the "pockets" on *her legs and as she flies some of the pollen may fall out there for creating a new flower * all worker bees (one that collects pollen and nectar) are female

Could bees live in grassland?

Grass has no nectar and all grasses are wind pollinated, so grass alone is of no use to bees. However, if the grassland had plenty of wild flowers the bees would do well there.

Why do men hate killing bees?

Bees are important to the environment as pollinators. Eighty per cent of all plants are pollinated by insects, and of those 90 per cent are pollinated by bees. Bees are under a lot of threat at the moment from parasites such as varroa, tropilaelops and the hive beetle; the various bacterial or viral diseases; and the activities of man with pesticides and the removal of bee-friendly wild flowers on farming land. We need to do what we can to save them.

What do bees make that you benefit from?

They make:1. Honey -- there is no other source.2. Beeswax -- there is no other source.Also:Over 80 per cent of all plants are pollinated by insects, and of those around 90 percent are pollinated by bees. A third of everything you eat depends directly on this pollination. Without it we would be very hungry.

Why is the disappearance of bee's a problem?

Bees and plants have evolved together over the last 50 million years and they are quite interdependent. Bees get their food from the plants in the form of nectar and pollen, and in return the plants are pollinated by the bees. It has been estimated that some 80 per cent of all plants are insect pollinated, and that around 90 per cent of those plants are pollinated by bees. If the bees were to disappear this pollination would not take place, and without it the plants would not develop fruit and seeds for the next generation. Around one-third of all the food you eat is the result of the pollination of crops by bees. No bees, no food -- there would be widespread starvation. Add to that the number of flowers and other decorative plants that would die out and the world would be a far less beautiful place.

What plants are pollinated by insects?

Many plants are pollinated by insects, including bees, butterflies, and flies. Some common examples include sunflowers, roses, and fruit trees such as apple and peach. These plants rely on insects to transfer pollen from one flower to another in order to reproduce.

Is a flower pollinated by animals or wind?

A flower can be pollinated by both animals and wind. Animal-pollinated flowers often have bright colors and strong scents to attract pollinators like bees or butterflies, while wind-pollinated flowers typically have small, inconspicuous petals and produce large amounts of lightweight pollen that is carried by the wind.

Why are the bees important to humans?

Bees play a crucial role in pollinating plants, which is essential for the production of many fruits, vegetables, and nuts that humans rely on for food. They help maintain biodiversity in ecosystems and support the growth of crops that feed both humans and animals. Additionally, bee products like honey, beeswax, and propolis have various medicinal and commercial uses.

What do pumpkins do all day?

who would even ask that! ******* They pretty much just veg out.

Do pumpkins have ribs?

No, pumpkins do not have ribs. First of all, pumpkins are not a living organism. Pumpkins are basically a plant. And wouldn't it be weird if a tree had stomach?

There were 11 pumpkins on the table and 20 pumpkins on the steps how many pumpkins were there in all?

there are thirdy one and that is the answer ok.