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Schools get about $30,000 a year from vending machines.

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Q: How much money do vending machines make at schools?
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Do high schools make money of vending machine business?

Most high schools with vending machines do make money off of proceeds from vending machines on their campuses. However, laws passed in many states have banned vending machines in schools, so obviously high schools in those states no longer make money off of their vending machines or may only be able to have vending machines operating during non-school hours.

Should you have vending machines in public schools?

If you wish. The vending machine isn't terribly important, it's selecting the items to be sold in the vending machines. Some advocate regulating the items sold, but it seems that, particularly since we are discussing schools, that teaching the students to make the right choice would be the better path.

How do you get money from a vending machine?

You have to go to the customer service counter or ask for the manager. They make you fill out a receipt for the amount, then they gave you the money back.I hate getting ripped off by vending machines.

Should vending machines be on middle school campus?

NO WAY!! I mean it will definetely make money, but most of the drinks make you fat and your teeth rot.!!!

Can you make a lot of money off a vending machine business?

There are many ways to make money with vending machines. It depends on what you sell, where you sell, and how many vendors you have. Some sell pop, candy, snacks, or anything else. There's a varitiey of items you could sell and make hundreds of dollars.

Should schools have vending machines and why?

YES, they should because you can make it a healthy vending machine with apples and water in. It will also raise money for the school.Hope my answer helps. xxx And if kids get hungry and they don't like what the school has they can get some food. Also the money the school gets from the machine can pay for uniforms, Field trips, after school programs, supply for the class room ...etccilpea

What do you think about vending machines in school?

Well, it depends on what is in the vending machine and what type of vending machine it is. See, now if its a vending machine with just drinks and there is only such stuff as soda then its okay, but its also okay if there is another one with just healthier drinks such as milk, milkshakes, water, or juice. Some people may prefer all of that unhealthy stuff but there is nothing wrong with that because others would rather prefer stuff that's good for them and provides lots of nutrition. Now if its a vending machine with just food then once again with the drinks, its okay to have a copuple of chips once in a while but it wouldn't hurt to put something with lots of nutrients in there once in a while. So to make a long story short, having vending machines in schools could be a good thing because of the variety but then again you have to think about the money. Getting one for a school can be good but then again that money that's being spent on the vending machines could be spent on something better for your school. So basically there are a lot of different answers and reasons on thinking about cending machines in schools, personally, i think that its more of an opionated question on what you think.

Where can I buy a vending maching to put in my office building?

1-800 vending is one of the popular vending machine that you can place in your office building. You can buy and make payments or you can lease to own your vending machine. AAA Vending in Burlington NC is a great supplier of refurbished vending machines. I used to work there and they take great care to make sure the machines are as good as new, yet sell for almost half the price of a new machine.

What are some good reasons for having vending machines in cafeterias?

1. So the company supplying the vending machine can make money. 2. College kids love vending machine food. 3.College students have little more than small change and munchies.

What are the Pro's and Con's of vending machines in schools?

pros:1) Most students don't have time in the morning for breakfast2) A fuller and healthier diet helps students and teachers to perform better acedemically.3) Eating 5 small healthy meals a day boosts metabolism.4) Students should have the freedom to choose what they want to eat and make their own choices about their health5) Easy for the students if they only want something small, convenient & portable or something less than $26) Easy Access to kids who forget lunch or don't have enough money to buy lunch.7) The vending items could be stocked with somewhat healthier snacks.8) schools can make thousands of dollars off of them each year.9) Students could leave their trash all over the school. making the school look bad.cons:1) Can make a big line at vending machines.2) Students can carr food into class if their not finished.3) Stock for vending machines can be very costly.4) students can become fat from all the sugary treats5) it makes you chubby6) the machines can be vandalized or damaged7) kids can get their hand stuck trying to get their purchase out and when they are trying to jack it

Where can one purchase a vending franchise?

There are quite a few places retailing in vending machines and supplies. A few of them are Allen Vending Nottingham, Coin-a-Drink, Sams Club, Pioneer Vending and Vencoa Vending Machines. One could find used vending machines at Used Vending.

Is it really possible to make money from vending carts?

It is absolutely possible to make money from vending carts, especially if you have a great location such as outside of event venues. In my city, a vending cart on a busy street corner will make $5000 to $6000 a night.