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Typical consumption of all standard size chickens is 2.5 to 3 oz of grains per day.

Free range hens can get by with a little less because they supplement the ration with fresh greens and insects.

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Q: How much mash do you feed red hens each day?
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If you do not have a rooster does a hen have to have a special kind of feed to lay eggs?

Hens do not need a rooster to lay eggs. They require a well-balanced layer feed that provides essential nutrients like calcium and protein to support egg production. You can also offer calcium supplements like oyster shells to help maintain strong eggshells.

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What do you do if you have two roosters and all your hens are losing feathers?

Having two roosters can lead to increased aggression and stress among them, which could result in excessive mating behavior and feather loss in hens. It's recommended to separate the roosters into different coops to reduce competition and give the hens a chance to recover. Providing ample space, hiding spots, and ensuring the hens have a balanced diet can also help alleviate the issue.

What is the best food for hens?

From the time the new chicks leave the shell they should be given a chick starter food. This is available either in medicated or un-medicated form. The chick starter is small pre-ground and easily digestible. At about 2 months a small amount of chick grower can be added and increased each day until the birds are off the chick starter and eating only the grower. At about 4 months and close to laying the hens should be given layer mash/pellets to prepare them for egg production. They can stay of the layer feed for the rest of their lives unless the extra cost of layer is prohibative (about $2.00 per 80lbs). Hens will survive quite well on chicken scratch but during the prime egg years they need the extra calcium and proteins in the layer feed.

What does the hens eats?

You should feed your hen layer pellets, scarps (such as potatos,bannanas,apples,waffles, soft chips,pizza or any vegetables etc..) You can also give your hen poridge or bread too. (be careful not to give your hen to much bread!, it can fatten it and effect your hens heart!.)

Can you eat eggs from wormy hens?

The eggs from hens with worms will not be affected by the worms themselves as they live in the digestive system, not the reproductive system. The insides of eggs are also sterile, but make sure the eggs are washed off very well, as worm eggs may be in any chicken dung on the shell. Obviously, a treatment should be started with the hens ASAP, and the best treatment in most cases is to feed the hens raw garlic. Not only is it effective, but the eggs will still be edible and the hens will be much healthier for it, unlike if you would use a chemical treatment. It's a good practice to feed your chickens garlic even if they are healthy.

Is bread bad for hens?

Bread is fine for hens, but whole wheat is much better.

" How much do I feed my Horses per month?

200 pounds of feed

How much is spent on feed ingredients every year?

According to the American Feed Industry Association, as much as $20 billion worth of feed ingredients are purchased each year

How much should I feed my hen?

The amount of food you should feed your hen depends on various factors such as its age, size, breed, and whether it's laying eggs. Here are some general guidelines: Commercial Feed: Hens typically do well on a commercial layer feed. The recommended amount varies, but it's often around 1/4 to 1/3 pound (about 113 to 150 grams) per day per hen. Free-Range Hens: If your hens have access to forage or free-range, they might need less commercial feed. However, it's essential to monitor their condition to ensure they're getting enough nutrition. Water: Always provide fresh and clean water. Hens require water for digestion and egg production. Adjust for Egg Production: Laying hens might need more feed to support egg production. If they're not laying, you can adjust the amount accordingly. Monitoring Weight: Regularly monitor the weight and overall condition of your hens. Adjust the feed amount if they are becoming overweight or underweight. Supplements: In addition to commercial feed, you can offer kitchen scraps, grains, and small amounts of vegetables. However, these should be supplementary to the main feed. Consult a Veterinarian: If you have specific concerns about your hen's diet or health, it's always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry. Remember, these are general guidelines, and the specific needs of your hens may vary. Adjustments might be necessary based on factors like climate, health conditions, and the availability of natural forage.

How much do you feed a hen?

A hen typically needs about 1/4 to 1/3 pound of feed per day. This can vary depending on the breed of the hen, its size, and its activity level. It's important to monitor their feed intake and adjust accordingly to ensure they are maintaining a healthy weight.

how much should i feed my dog he is so fat and ugly?

i think you should feed him 2 times each day