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Q: How much is cos lettuce?
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What is an alternative name for the cos lettuce?

Romaine lettuce

Which of the following is not a type of pear cos bartlett conference comice?

Cos is not a pear. It is a type of lettuce, also called romaine lettuce.

What is the definition of cos?

It's a variety of lettuce (Romaine lettuce).

What is long-leafed lettuce?


How are cos genetically modified?

To our knowledge, cos or romaine lettuce has not been transgenically modified as of August 2014.

A salad made with cos lettuce crispy croutons and Parmesan cheese?

Ceasar Salad, yum yum!!

What kind of root does lettuce have?

Lettuce has a fairly long tap root for a reasonably low growing plant. This is because it requires planty moisture to remain turgid.

What are the different types of lettuce grown in this world?

As stated in, there are 5 types of lettuce: • Crisphead (also called Iceberg lettuce) • Butterhead • Cos or Romaine • Loose leaf or bunching and • Stem lettuce (also called Asparagus lettuce or Chinese lettuce/ celtuce). hope that'll help too =)

Can you keep a single pet rabbit or does it require another rabbit to survive?

yes, you can keep a single rabbit but make sure it gets lots of attention, because, like you, it can also get very bored. by the way, i know this isn't the question but just to let you know, if you ever feed them lettuce, only a little bit of cos lettuce is suitable, any other lettuce will give them diarrhea and even giving them too much of cos lettuce will make them sick. i am a very experienced breeder, my parents and i have been breeding rabbits and guinea pigs since i was young. we unfortunately had to learn the hard way... hope i helped.

How is romaine lettuce different from regular lettuce?

romaine lettuce is different because it is much fresher than reg lettuce.

How much lettuce do you want?

a lot of lettuce please. with a coke.

How much water does romaine lettuce contain?

Much the same as other types of lettuce, about 95%