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300 gram pack 1 and half Euro

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Q: How much is a box of corn flex in Bulgaria?
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How much corn can you grow in a earth box?

16 stalks

How much does a corn flakes box weigh?

check the box. Or weigh it.small are 750gm - large 1 kilo

Is corn starch high in calories?

No, not in tiny amounts. However, it can cause weight gain if you eat a lot of it.

What types of sports are in Bulgaria?

Football, Voleyball, Weight lifting, Wrestling, Box

Why does a cup of candy corn weigh more than a cup of popcorn?

You know I would say it is because candy corn is heavier. :P For the same reason a box of rocks is heavier than a box of feathers. A cup measures a size or amount - a volume, not a weight. Candy Corn has a much higher mass than popcorn. Popcorn is mostly air, and Candy Corn is mostly sugar.

Does corn flakes box is a cube or a prism?


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How much do peanut butter and crackers cost in 1967?

[1960] 18 oz, 27 centsA newspaper in New Jersey compared the price of a 12-ounce box of Kellogg's Corn Flakes through the years. In 1955, you could pick up a box for 19 cents. In 1973, that same box of corn flakes would have cost you a quarter. Jump forward to 1984 when the price was 89 cents. Today, that same 12-ounce box of corn flakes will set you back $2.99.

What cereal box does American gothic appear on?

Corn Flakes

How many boxes of corn flakes from a bushel of corn?

It depends on the size of box, but it runs around 70 to 130.

What is a corn flakes box top worth?

About 10 cents each :)

Where is the mass air flow located on your 2002 Trailblazer?

should be on the flex tube between the air box and throttle body