5 pounds = 2 kg and 1 kg is equal to 1000 grams 1 pound = 400 grams
how much does a thanksgiving ham cost
he can chuck all the ham that a ham chuck could if a ham chuck could chuck ham
Probably not. They didn't have much ham where he lived.
Depends on the type of ham, size, and thickness of the slices.
None. Hamburgers are named after the town of Hamburg, Germany. They do not contain ham.
yes they can eat ham but do not give them to much ham because they may get diarrhea
in ham there is 6000000 grams of sodium in it and also one blackbird
how much horespower does a kfx 400 have how much horespower does a kfx 400 have
Canadian bacon isn't ham. Canada Bacon is pretty much just regular bacon.
There is 50 grams of sugar in a normal piece of ham. :)
It depends how big the ham is, and how much you trim off for cooking