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It's actually best if you bought freeze-dried blood worms, they are higher in protein than flakes, and are the fish's natural food, so obviously more appealing to your fish. You only need a few of them, usually just what it'll eat in a 2 minute time period.

However, live food is preferred, if it's not available, definitely get freeze dried, which can be purchased at a convenience store or even walmart.

== == == == Pet stores sell a food for bettas, it comes in a small can from tetra-min, to feed your betta if you keep it in a glass vase by itself with a plant, just take a small amount between your first finger and thumb or a pinch and drop it in, bettas for the most part do not eat every day so it is up to you how often you feed your fish once again if your betta is in a bowl or container by itself, you do not have to feed your betta every day. I feed the betta in our glass container that has a lot of plant life about once or twice a week, and that betta is about 8 months old,

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You can feed a fish 4-5 fish or how much it can eat within 1-3 minutes

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A pinch or two of food should be enough.

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Q: How much goldfish flakes do you give to a betta fish a day?
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Is it safe to feed goldfish tropical fish food?

Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.

Will a male betta fight with a goldfish?

You should not put a male betta with goldfish's.They are aggressive and will fight with goldfish's goldfish give off ammonia and will kill the Betta's.

What should you feed your faintail goldfish?

Fish pellets or flakes made specifically for goldfish. Regular fish food doesn't give them the nutrients they need. Occasionally, you can give them a little hard boiled egg yolk as a treat :)

What kind of fish can a male Betta share a fish tank with?

You could put platies, tetras, corydoras, oto cats, guppies (non-fancy), danios (glofish), shrimp, snails, mollies, swordtails, barbs, rasboras, and African dwarf frogs. I would not recommend putting goldfish with Betta fish. Goldfish are carp, so they get pretty big. They also can give out large amounts of ammonia. Goldfish are also coldwater, and betta fish tropical, so they won't mix well.

Can you feed your little goldfish lettuce or rice crispy flakes?

It is not recommended that you do so. Whenever possible you should try to give only fish food to your goldfish. Don't give it food that you eat because it could kill them.

Will a goldfish eat a betta fish?

I believe that most gold fish eat betta pellet food. My two gold fishes at home eat that and they have been alive for quite a while. So you can try with your gold fish and see if they like it. But if you have gold fish food you should just give them that

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Can you give a betta fish hermit crab pellets?

Betta pellets are designed for Bettas to eat. Hermit crab pellets are designed for Hermit crabs to eat. Goldfish flakes are designed for Goldfish to eat. Are you getting the message? If you wish your Betta to do well, feed it Betta food.

Can bettas eat goldfish food?

No. If you feed a betta goldfish food it will give you a look that you will never see again DONT FEED YOUR BETTA GOLDFISH FOOD.YES AND NO. Although the Betta may eat the goldfish food it will not be getting the required nourishment to sustain it properly. Goldfish are omnivorous and the commercial foods developed for them are designed for omnivorous fish. Bettas are insectivores. The commercial foods developed for them to eat were developed to provide the necessary vitamins, roughage and minerals that they require. So the correct answer is. NO!

What do you feed a goldfish if you can't get the flakes?

you should feed it Granules that they sell in pet stores just ask somebody and they will give you the one that you are going to need here is the name of one of the Granules you can give a gold fish: Aqueon Goldfish Granules. i hope that answers your question

Can my tropical fish survive eating goldfish food?

You CAN'T get a goldfish betta food (trust me, poor goldie! :-( ) So Im guessing its the other way around . Just in case go to petsmart and they can give you gerat food prices that are worth it, good luck with your fish!

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