Yes, there is actually a free cookie coupon that is good right now. Go to and take the survey about the last time you visited a Subway for your free cookie.
Free subway sandwich every day.
When you start digesting the cookie, the slow acting poisin they put in there will put you to sleep and most likely kill you if you have had herpes.
The promo code i got was cookie idk if it still works but thats wat i got
how much does a tablespoon of cookie dough weigh
Subway grossed $1,663,296 worldwide.
SUBWAY has NO stock. SUBWAY is a privately held company. Fred Deluca & Peter Buck own this company.
It depends on what cookie you are making and what is going to be in it.
Subway grossed $390,659 in the domestic market.
1.00 per cookie
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?(NAME) stole the cookie from the cookie jar!Who me? (Yes you!)Couldn't be! (Then who?)And then repeat as much as you want.
not that much