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Approximately one teaspoon of dried rosemary equals one tablespoon of fresh. (Approx. 1 tsp dry = 1 Tbsp fresh)

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Q: How much dried rosemary equals 1 sprig of fresh rosemary?
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Related questions

How much does 1 sprig fresh rosemary convert to teaspoons dried rosemary?

One small sprig of rosemary converts to 1/2 a teaspoon of dried rosemary.

1 sprig of rosemary equals how much dried?

About 2 to 3 tablespoons.

What equals 1 sprig of basil when using dried herbs?

When using dry herbs versus fresh herbs, a good rule of thumb is to use 1 portion of dry herbs for every 3 portions of fresh herbs. So, one tsp of dried tarragon would be the equivalent to 3 tsps. of fresh tarragon.

How much dried thyme leaves equals 1 sprig of fresh thyme?

With thyme one fresh sprig equals one-half teaspoon of dried thyme. In general, use two to three times the amount of fresh thyme as dried. When adding to soups and stews, crush the leaves between your hands before stirring it in your recipe.

How much does 1 sprig fresh oregano convert to teaspoons dried oregano?

As much as you want, - a "large" sprig could be any size, you are seeing it, not us.

What equals 3 sprigs of rosemary?

You'll have to explain to us how you define the volume of a "sprig"

How many teaspoons of dry oregano equal 2 sprigs of fresh?

1 4" sprig yields approximately 1 Tablespoon of fresh oregano. 1 Tablespoon of fresh oregano is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of dried. Therefore, 1 sprig is approximately equal to 1 teaspoon dried, so 2 sprigs = approximately 2 teaspoons of dried oregano. :)

How much is one sprig rosemary?

the main stem

How much does a sprig of rosemary weigh?

About 3 gm.

Why is rosemary important on Remembrance Day?

a single sprig of rosemary was another symbol of remembrance day.

How much dried dill weed equals one head of fresh dill?

Approximately 3/4 of a teaspoon should equal one dill head.

How do you measure a sprig of fresh thyme?

Dried thyme has a very strong flavor. Measure in 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoons depending on the volume of the ingredients.