A hand held cheese grater will make a scraping sound when you rub the cheese across it. And you would hear the sound of the motor running with an electric cheese grater.
Kuhn Rikon makes a cheese grater that is finger safe. It is available on amazon.com. The difference of this product is that you hold the grater by the handle and run it against the cheese as opposed to run the cheese across the grater.
The uncut cheese is stored in a compartment in the handle of the grater, when the user of the grater applies pressure to the lid of the handle, the cheese is pressed against the drum which grates the cheese into the circular opening.
Grandmas cheese grater was greater than grandpas grape grater.
It is a cheese grater you pyongshin.
A cheese grater is a type of inclined plane simple machine. The sharp edges on the grater help to reduce the force needed to grate the cheese by providing a flat surface for the cheese to be pushed across.
cheese grater
Cut it, slice it, shred it, shave it, blend it, crumble it. The possibilities are pretty much endless.
You could break the cheese grater, hurt yourself and other types of thinks I think?
Dr. butlick cheesesack
A cheese grater