Since candy canes come in various sizes, they have various weights.
Candy canes are hard sticks of candy that are bent into a cane shape. It is the cane shape that makes a candy cane a candy cane.
candy cane or peppermint candy but the answer is candy cane
a candy cane is in the size of a huge hook
The white in candy cane is how purified Jesus is.
Candy cane in German is Zuckerstange
They weigh (47) times (the weight of 32 candy canes).
Sugar Babies
yes, if the candy cane is fake. no if it is real.
put a candy cane in hot chocolate.
Candy Cane Children was created in 2002-11.
The red on the candy cane symbolizes Jesus's blood.
You buy the candy cane door from the DIY Shop.