the price varies depending on the jackets quality up to 3500 dollars
The answer to this question depends on which jacket is in question and it's condition. Dale Earnhardt Sr jackets range from ten dollars to thousands of dollars.
how much is an oreo ritz baseball cap autographed by dale Earnhardt jr worth
If it is factory signed, then about $100.
How much is a Dale Earnhardt 1993 action packed card
1990 racing poster of dale earnhardt sr autographed
Dale Earnhardt Sr. died on February 18, 2001.
A Dale Earnhardt Jr. rookie card is worth an estimated 39.00 dollars. A Dale Earnhardt rookie card is worth 250.00 dollars.
Dale Jr. weighs 180 pounds and is 6 foot.
Went to Dale Earnhardt Sr dealership for 10 year open house he autographed the shirt for me