9090909 65edue65
how much does it cost to take a body from thailand to england
2 dollars
about 40,000.00 U.S dollars
Overall, Phuket Thailand is pretty cheap, but the cost of living in Phuket depends on how much your house/hotel or watever costs and how much u spend on food, and bus, and stuff.
Overall, Phuket Thailand is pretty cheap, but the cost of living in Phuket depends on how much your house/hotel or watever costs and how much u spend on food, and bus, and stuff.
1600 baht
1600 baht
Living in Thailand costs about 30% of what it would in the USA
im not that sure but what I've seen it's about 8,990 baht
originals are the same price but replicas are about 40c Australian currency