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Chocolate is NEVER good for dogs. but sometimes it's not bad enough to be noticed.

How much will vary depending upon the type of chocolate, the percentage of cacao in the chocolate and the size and health status of the dog.

In general, it is easier to say that any chocolate is too much, because the only safe amount of chocolate for all dogs is "none". It's best to avoid having ANY type of chocolate within the dog's reach.

Baking Chocolate is the worst kind of chocolate to give to a dog.

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7y ago
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Mr Clean

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3y ago
My dog is a Shih Tzu, and he ate a really tiny Chocolate crum that fell on the floor earlier today. He’s 8 weeks old an I really love him. Could he get really sick for eating a really small chocolate crum or get sick at all? Please answer my question
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6y ago

== == Do not take any chances: do not feed your dog chocolate and avoid leaving it out where they might reach it.

Larger amounts of chocolate, particularly of the most toxic type, can bring about epileptic seizures in some dogs, and in all dogs, can kill. Chocolate contains theobromine. A naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, theobromine increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle. While amounts vary by type of chocolate, it's the theobromine that is poisonous to dogs. This can lead to hyperthermia, muscle tremors, seizures, coma and even death. if a dog is very lucky(but will have to go through surgery)it would be about a cake
A dog should not eat any chocolate. Even a very small amount of chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea in a dog. Chocolate (actually the cocoa beans) contains a chemical compound called theobromine, which is toxic to both dogs and cats.
it depends on how big the dog is

a pound of chocolate can hurt a 13 inch beagle and dogs a little bigger
If you're a vet, you already know how complex a question this is If not, be safe; NONE Please, follow the link below to the Purdue Veterinary Medicine Faculty, and be safe, not sorry

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7y ago

One Hershey kiss, frozen and propelled at 900 ft/sec can be lethal.

If you are wondering about a lethal dose, it depends on the size of the animal, its general health and how sensitive it is to it. A single candy bar can kill a small dog. Don't feed your dog chocolate.

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15y ago

Some people, this is believed to be genetic , have a very poor tolerance for chocolate and they may have difficulty in digesting it properly. There is no point in going on daredevil eating contests, one wishes that this sort of thing(Nathan"s did this with Frankfurters) should be abolished. It makes (Speed-eating) into some sort of sport and even practice sessions could be hazardous. People have succumbed in speed-drinking contests involving stuff as harmless as water. seek your own pace- everything in moderation! there is no point in food-speed eating contests and the Guiness book of world records no longer records them.

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12y ago

I have a little Maltese and she once ate one chocolate chip and she was fine. It was an accident. I wouldn't try giving any to her. But if all they eat is like one or two Chocolate Chips they should be fine!

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12y ago

It varies from breed to breed, dog to dog, and the amount of theobromine in the chocolate. Some dogs can handle quite a bit, while others will fall ill and die from the smallest amount. The safest course of action is to never allow your dog to eat chocolate, and in the event he does manage to get some, immediately feed him hydrogen peroxide and water to induce vomiting and take him to an emergency veterinarian.

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15y ago

Usually, Just A Small Peice Of Chocolate Can Harm Your Dog. My Shitzu Cody Ate A Small Peice, Had diarreah And Vomit. But Got better in a day. but Dont Give Chocolaste to u dog! 0:

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14y ago

Most dogs cannot eat any chocolate. It can be very dangerous.

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12y ago

Whatever you do don't feed chocolate to your dog! Chocolate is very, very, very bad for your dog. They can get sick and/or die. Please for the saftey of your dogs don't feed them chocolate.

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Q: How much chocolate can a dog ingest before it can harm him?
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Zero. Dogs can't eat chocolate. Do not give your dog chocolate.

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It depends how much milk their is in the chocolate bar.

Could your dog have a chance of dying if it had 2 rows of chocolate?

Small chance. If your dog has a chocolate allergy it may get very ill but most dogs are not allergic to chocolate. Symptoms do not show up for hours, even days. If the chocolate was Milk chocolate then it should be fine, there really is not much chocolate in candy bars. If it was bakers chocolate and your dog is small it may have a problem. If you have a large dog (over 40lbs) two rows of chocolate will probably not harm it.

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1500 lbs

How much chocolate and carmel could harm a 65 pound puppy she ate the wrapper and all off one of those little dove candies and I'm not sure how drastic the situation is?

Dogs arent as severely sensitive to chocolate as people make them out to be. The only way that amount of chocolate couold harm your dog is if they actually had an allergy to it not just the sensitivity that all dogs have. Your dog could probably eat a lb of milk chocolate and still be okay. Just remember the darker the chocolate the more sensitive dogs are to it. One of the most dangerous chocolate to feed is pure unsweetened baking chocolate. But one or two peices of candy arnt going to do any harm. She may puke up the wrapper or maybe even the chocolate later but I doubt any other harm will go to her. When I was little my parents dog used to like to climb onto the table and eat the choclate cake, he also did that with a 13x9 pan of brownies and didnt even get sick.