A half cup of melted butter is equivalent to a half cup of vegetable oil.
Added: One stick of butter usually is the same as a half a cup but usually would need to add bit more since butter is entirely fat like oil. 80fat/20water is butter while oil is 100%.
Butter burns at high temperatures, oil does not.The best roast potatoes are cooked in Goose fat, or the fat from the roast joint.If you really want to use butter try half butter, half oil.
Half a cup of butter.
According to the USDA Nutritional database, butter contains about 80% fat.80% of 200 grams = 160 grams of vegetable oil. However, while this is equal in fat content, don't just go substituting your butter. If you are for example making a cake, you can't use vegetable oil because it doesn't have the same chemical properties as butter.
The same amount.
1/2 a cup of butter is equal to one whole stick of butter
Melt the butter & measure the amount it needs. If it needs 2/3 cup oil, use that much melted butter.
Half a cup of melted butter is the same as half a cup of crisco. -Except it will taste better.
One half cup of butter or 8 Tablespoons of butter or 1 stick of butter.
You should use the same amount of butter. It's probably also best to melt the butter so that it combines well.
about half an ounce
about 113.5 grams.